Now that you understand the four Scrum Ceremonies and how they work with Sprints, automate the whole process.
Hubstaff Tasks is an Agile project management software that can facilitate better Scrum ceremonies.
Take the automated Daily Stand-up feature, for example. If everyone’s working in different time zones or if it’s hard to nail down a daily meeting, Hubstaff Tasks can replicate the Daily Stand-up for you.
Each day, Hubstaff Tasks will prompt your team members to answer three questions and submit them before wrapping up.
With Sprints, everyone can see what’s on their plate currently, what’s coming up next Sprint, and even plan into the future or move tasks into the backlog.
Integrate with Hubstaff time tracking and you’ll get daily recap emails that show you how many of the budgeted hours have been spent, which tasks are overdue, and what’s been completed.
You don’t need to pour energy into sustaining the framework when Hubstaff Tasks can do it for you. You and your team can just focus on your Sprints instead of building the right system to manage them.